Additional Publications

Clandestine manuscripts

An important body of clandestine manuscripts were published by the Voltaire Foundation in nine print volumes in the 1990s to a high scholarly standard, but these volumes are hardly available anymore. They are also not part of the Complete Works of Voltaire. Once digitised, they will constitute a substantial addition of rare texts to Digital Enlightenment.

Vol 1: Parité de la vie et de la mort. La Réponse du médecin Gaultier, ed. by Olivier Bloch, 1993, ISBN 9780729404518

Vol 2: Simon Tyssot de Patot, Voyages et avantures de Jacques Massé, ed. by Aubrey Rosenberg, 1993, ISBN 9780729404501

Vol 3: Guillaume Lamy, Discours anatomiques (1675) et explication mécanique et physique des fonctions de l’âme sensitive, by Anna Minerbi Belgrado, 1996, ISBN 9780729405188

Vol 4: De l’examen de la religion, ed. by Sergio Landucci, 1996, ISBN 9780729405195

Vol 5: Traité de la liberté, des miracles, des oracles, la fausseté des miracles des deux Testaments, ed. by Alain Niderst, 1997, ISBN 9780729405362

Vol 6: Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoiens, ed. by Hans-Gunter Funke, 1999, ISBN 9780729405577

Vol 7: Examen de la religion ou doutes sur la religion dont on cherche l’éclaircissement de bonne foi, ed. by Gianluca Mori, 1999, ISBN 9780729405652

Vol 8: Le Traité des trois imposteurs | L’Esprit de Spinoza, ed. by Françoise Charles-Daubert, 1999, ISBN 9780729405355

Vol 9: John Locke, Que la religion chrétienne est très raisonnable | Discours sur les miracles | Essai sur la nécessité d’expliquer les épîtres de S. Paul | La Vie de Coste et anecdotes sur ses ouvrages ed. by Hélène Bouchilloux and Maria-Cristina Pitassi, 1999, ISBN 9780729405638


Voltaire en son temps, published by the Voltaire Foundation

This is the definitive biography of Voltaire, a major and widely recognised work in two volumes. It serves as the starting point to enrich the data sets and models with connections, providing context to people, places, contemporary publications, and historical events. In addition, the footnotes in this biography contain many references to Voltaire’s correspondence in the Complete Works, referred to by the established citation system of D-numbers.

René Pomeau, Christiane Mervaud et al., Voltaire en son temps (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1995), ISBN 978072940493-8

Voltaire Foundation

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