Pour encourager les autres

Studies for the tercentenary of Voltaire’s birth 1694-1994

Volume: 320

Series: SVEC

Volume Editors: Haydn Mason

Series Collaborators: René Pomeau; J. F. Bosher; W. H. Barber; Henri Coulet; William D. Howarth; S. Menant; Jean-Pierre Vittu; Ruth Whelan; John Renwick; Simon Davies; Robin Howells; Marie-Hélène Cotoni; Haydn Mason

Publication Date: 1994

Pages: 329

ISBN: 978-0-7294-0482-2

Price: £60


René Pomeau, Faut-il encore lire Voltaire?
The 1690s
J. F. Bosher, The 1690s, decade of Voltaire’s birth
W. H. Barber, Science in the 1690s
Henri Coulet, Etat du genre romanesque en France au temps du jeune Arouet
William D. Howarth, The French theatre in the 1690s
S. Menant, Territoires de la poésie vers 1694
Jean-Pierre Vittu, ‘Le peuple est fort curieux de nouvelles’: l’information périodique dans la France des années 1690
Ruth Whelan, Sin, style and sensibility, or the controversy over rhetoric and preaching in the 1690s
Etats présents
John Renwick, The Complete works of Voltaire: a review of the first twenty-five years
Simon Davies, Voltaire: the biographical dimension (1975-1992)
Robin Howells, Voltaire’s contes: a review of studies 1969-1993
Marie-Hélène Cotoni, Etat présent des travaux sur la correspondance de Voltaire
Haydn Mason, Postface


French Studies

It is impossible in a short space to do justice to the wealth of scholarship and critical acumen which is displayed here. The overall effect of the volume is both to highlight Voltaire’s relevance to the modern world and to remind us of the vigour and intellectual rigour with which Voltaire studies continue to be pursued.

Voltaire Foundation

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