Professor Nicholas Cronk

Nicholas E. Cronk, M.A., D.Phil., Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres, Officier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques.
Director of the Voltaire Foundation, Professor of European Enlightenment Studies; Fellow of St Edmund Hall and Wolfson College.
Chercheur associé à l’ITEM (CNRS/ENS), Equipe «Ecritures des Lumières»
Président de la Société des études voltairiennes.


I am interested in the European Enlightenment, and in France in particular. As General Editor of the Complete works of Voltaire, my current research interests are principally related to Voltaire, to epistolarity, to book history and to questions of critical editing. I am also engaged in digital humanities research and its application to the study of Enlightenment texts.

Recent publications

Lettres sur les Anglais, directing critical edition for the Œuvres complètes de Voltaire, 3 vols, 6A-C (Voltaire Foundation, Oxford, 2020-21)

(with Glenn Roe) Voltaire’s Correspondence: Digital Readings (CUP, 2020)

‘Electronic Enlightenment: recreating the Republic of Letters’, in Digitizing Enlightenment: digital humanities and the transformation of eighteenth-century studies, ed. S. Burrows and G. Roe, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (Liverpool University Press, 2020), p.55-72

‘Voltaire: the Orient of the Enlightenment’, in A Companion to World Literature, ed. K. Seigneurie (Wiley Blackwell, 2020), vol.3, chap.47

‘Voltaire’s correspondence networks: questions of exploration and interpretation’, in Networks of Enlightenment: digital approaches to the Republic of Letters, ed. C. Edmondson and D. Edelstein, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (Liverpool University Press, 2019), p.23-46

(ed. with Christiane Mervaud and Gillian Pink), Voltaire, Questions sur l’Encyclopédie (Laffont, Bouquins, 2019)

Voltaire: A Very Short Introduction (OUP, 2017) [translated into Swedish, Korean, Chinese]

‘Generic instability in Voltaire’s correspondence: when is a letter not a letter?’, in Was ist ein Brief? Aufsätze zu epistolarer Theorie und Kultur / What is a letter? Essays on epistolary theory and culture, ed. M. I. Matthews-Schlinzig and C. Socha (Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2018), p.39-56

Voltaire, Choix de lettres (Folio Classique, Gallimard, 2017)

Full list of publications available here.


Tel: 01865 284602

Voltaire Foundation

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