Study of the works of Claude Buffier

Author: Kathleen Sonia Wilkins

Volume: 66

Series: SVEC

Publication Date: 1969

Pages: 233

ISBN: 978-0-7294-0159-3

Price: £50


I. Buffier’s life and the phases of his interests
II. Buffier as an educationist: innovator within a tradition
III. Buffier on metaphysics and religion: common sense and popularisation
IV. The sources of Buffier’s metaphysical thought
V. The influence of Buffier’s metaphysics
VI. Buffier’s contribution to ethical thought: a Jesuit’s lay morality
VII. Buffier’s views on aesthetics and literary creation: mediator in the Querelle des anciens et des modernes
Appendix A. Letter from Buffier to Mlle de Scudéry
Appendix B. List of articles on metaphysics in the Encyclopédie plagiarised from Buffier
Appendix C. The article ‘Sens commun’ in Encyclopédie as an example of plagiarism
Bibliography of the works of Claude Buffier
List of works cited

Voltaire Foundation

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