Radical Translations
Radical Translations [https://radicaltranslations.org/] is an AHRC-funded project based at King’s College, London, focusing on the period around the French Revolution (1789–1815). It seeks to recover the vitality of Europe’s shared radical tradition across three principal axes: Britain, France and Italy, foregrounding the often invisible role of translators and their translations. It also aims to highlight the agency of translation in promoting the transnational exchange of democratic, egalitarian or secular ideas in new linguistic contexts. So far, the project has logged biographical information on over 500 translators (many anonymous) and their social networks, along with bibliographical information on over 800 translations and their source texts. Many of the translations are accompanied by paratextual features, such as extensive prefaces, notes and appendices, offering vital clues on how translators sought to extend radical ideas to new audiences, which are captured in separate, richly annotated records.
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